Plumbing the depths of your septic tank and figuring out how everything works may not be the most pleasant thing you`ll ever do, but it is necessary if you want to maintain a healthy system.
As you already know, your septic tank is basically a giant holding tank of all the wastes from your household sinks, drains, and toilets. Gathering and separating all the wastewater and solids, your septic tank splits its contents into three layers: the top layer, containing fats and grease; the second layer, containing clear wastewater know as effluent; and the bottom layer, containing solid waste that hasn`t been completely broken down. Your septic tank uses naturally occurring microorganisms to perform its function of breaking down waste. These microorganisms are called anaerobic bacteria (because they exist without the need for air) and are introduced into your tank from the waste itself.
Left on its own (with periodic maintenance and monitoring, of course) your septic tank system should work fine for years, safely storing and breaking down the waste from your home. However, there`s still some misinformation and myth out there regarding septic tank treatments and septic tank treatment products that are having people dumping unnecessary and potentially harmful products into their systems. Usually, that takes the form of salesmen and hucksters pushing artificial or biological “septic tank additives that work” when in reality, the only thing that`s being broken down is your monthly bank statement.
These additives also carry the potential to be dangerous. Some contain sulfuric acid, which not only destroys the bacteria in your tank but plays havoc on your drainage pipes. Others contain harmful chemicals that can not only poison your septic system and kill its bacteria but hurt the soil in your drainfield.
If you`re going to use an additive in your system, your best bet is Septonic, a septic tank biological treatment whose main ingredients are enzymes taken from the digestive tracts of bovines and hogs.
This combination of septic enzymes splits and breaks down fat, starch, and protein quickly, promoting the health and efficiency of your septic system. Septonic also has the added bonus of being completely biologically and environmentally friendly, as well as affordable. It`s as easy as emptying the septic tank bacteria packet into your toilet once or twice a week for a month, then once a month, to ensure the optimal conditions for your septic system.
So although you may not need a biological additive in your tank, if you do, Septonic is the best choice. It`s safe, affordable, environmentally friendly, and most importantly, super effective!